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Category Archives: marketing

According to Philip Kotler, marketing has now stopped working. Many new products are failing at a rate disastrous. Many advertising campaigns do not record anything different in the mind of the customer. Direct mail and e-mails rarely achieve a response rate of 1 per 100.´
Many products are revealed as interchangeable commodities rather than powerful brands. No wonder that CEOs are demanding more accountability on the part of marketing.
They want their experts to make financial estimates of the return on investment before and after each campaign. No Liability for profit, marketing budgets continue to be the first to be reduced when companies cut costs.

What are these deficiencies?
The company is not focused enough on the market and customer oriented.
The company does not know their clients well.
The company does not control its competitors.
The company manages its relationship with poor stakeholders.
At the company is good at finding new opportunities.
The marketing planning process the company is poor.
They need to strengthen policies for products and services company.
The efforts of branding and communications company is weak.
The company is not well organized to carry out the marketing.
The company has not used the technology to the fullest.

As a self conclusion, in marketing we often will find more of 10 deadly sins, but we, the one who really know about this modern reality, are here to apply the best services in your behave.
Less mistakes more profit!


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 A. Starting point

In the XXI century we are witnessing the birth of a new management model in the business world where all activities revolve around customer focus costumer. This type of organization thinks and acts differently, the results depend directly on how they are perceived by the market. Therefore, this new management model requires people who understand the complexity of the new trends and adopt habits catch up.

The globalization of the economy is having multiple and varied effects on society, the way we live, consumption habits, family, environment, professional expectations … but everything is hitting the board in managing models the companies. We are at a stage where it is necessary to overcome the traditional model of the companies to reach new one based on global and horizontal integration of all business activities and whose central axis is the strategic view of marketing.

The market is having a significant development not only by the prominence that the customer has purchased in recent times, but the presence of the Internet and new technologies in the economic world have created the need to create a new strategic vision to date it is difficult to predict its ultimate scope and consequences. The one fact we must be sure of is that we face some facts in history comparable to the industrial revolution, the discovery of the wheel, and so on.

Consumers have taken over the production, and currently are the real architects of business interest, which entails a radical change in marketing philosophy. Some authors have been telling us in recent years, we began a new stage where it puts an end to traditional marketing we know, and we began a new journey with the implementation of a new marketing.

Reality tells us that the correct action in going to transform companies and take the different variables and strategies to current market demands, since he has been the one who has really earned the right to demand a new way of acting both the enterprise and public agencies, which raise awareness of the importance of consumers worry about knowing, understanding on how we can give precise answers to the expressed needs.

To do this you must understand the marketing concept as a more global business, where all other departments are impregnated with its philosophy and know-how, do not have to forget for one moment that the real reason for the company is the satisfaction of customer, which leads to success.

But to return to our starting point, we must be aware that the penetration of new technologies and full integration into the digital age in all areas of business organization are providing strategic marketing role as a major theme of the whole business information and main activity to adapt products, processes and sales to customer tastes and needs. Therefore we must strengthen the tools that help us attract the talent and knowledge management

The world of marketing and advertising is changing. The million dollar investments are not as effective as before because it diluted and sometimes not even reach the final consumer. And when the massive bombardment of messages is no longer useful to position a brand, look for other more personal and direct ways to connect with the consumer.
Our society has become a global village where communication is a priority value. But heterogeneous and segmented communication function of many variables.
No single other public and many individual recipients. At the same time, marketing is no longer the exclusive preserve of large corporations and becomes an essential component in the strategy of any company regardless of size.

It is in this context that the Field Marketing comes to democratize marketing and communication, acting in a unique and independent to reach the final consumer and capture their emotion at the point of sale.
The Field Marketing is marketing that uses human resources to support the communication face to face to catch the consumer, whether at the point of sale, on the street or at your place of leisure or work.

In short, Field Marketing is configured as the most effective tool to connect the brand with people.
Chase interactivity and proximity to the public. It focuses its efforts and activities to promote creativity in personal communication. Looking for excitement and moves away from the usual passivity messages designed for different audiences.